Tidal Surge
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On Thursday 5th December 2013 a Tidal Surge of some 2 metres hit the east coast of Lincolnshire, coinciding with high spring tides, low pressure and srong winds from the north west. The resultant levels were higher than in 1953 and extensive damage was caused to Gibraltar Point NNR (See photos                                         ) mainly from the breaching of Bulldog bank. 

Already rumours have been spread that water came over land at Duncathra where the defensive dune had been removed and the owner was subsequently forced to build a bund by the Environment Agency. The water which was flowing along Seacroft Esplanade came from the overflow of the Lagoon about half way along travelling north and south from that point. Water at Duncathra (Drake Road) reached the end of the garden but the bund still gave a 1m defence but may have been a different story had it not been built.
Main effects on Seacroft Marsh SSSI
1. Reestablishment of a creek opposite Derby Avenue, which quickly drained the saltmarsh enabling pedestrian access from Seacroft Lagoon to the picnic site. The ground is covered in a slippery layer of mud and for the time being future high tides will enter the saltmarsh much more easily.
2. Vegetation appears to have been stripped in many areas particularly dune tops with Buckthorn etc washed out to sea as the tide receded. Most noticeably on the outer edge of the reserve but also some of the inner dunes.
3. Further erosion of the outer dune edge particularly at the Southern end and lowering most stretches by at least a metre.
Photo index
Looking to Northeast from Buckthorn Avenue
Photo index
Looking to Northeast from Buckthorn Avenue
Looking to East from Buckthorn Avenue
New creek opposite Derby Avenue - also to right & below
Tidal barrier Tower Esplanade, overtopped but not breached
Just to the north of the SSSI boundary, great pressure was put on the sea defences, buckling railings, lifting enormous rocks and washing through the dunes.